Read a selection of Salomé's favorite pieces below.


July, 2021.
There is more than one way to starve a person. Food nourishes the body, but freedom nourishes the being...
Power can create a world of walls and paths to nowhere; each turn is a dead end and every exit is a trapdoor.
Power can create a world where every outcome is preordained, not by nature nor God, but by corrupt humans.
Power can create a world where every step you take is accounted for and every adventure you seek lies just beyond the barbed-wire.
Areo Magazine, 2020.
There is always someone worse off than you: this is the never-ending parade of horror that is human life.
Nature is indifferent to suffering, and you’ve done nothing more to escape a crippling illness than the child who is currently dying of that illness in a decrepit hospital in a city whose name you’ll never hear. Rather than beg forgiveness for our sins, today we repent our privilege.
All comfort comes at a cost, though.
The church lost the power to dictate our lives as the price of repentance, so who do we pay today for the sin of privilege?

Areo Magazine, 2020.
"Imposing a set of moral rules on comedy in an attempt to harness it for ideological purposes is like washing clothes with fire—it misunderstands the very purpose of comedy and obliterates it in the process.
When comedy becomes a hunting ground for people in search of easy kills, it teaches us more about the hunters than the hunted. The very people who are quickest to perform their morality for their peers simultaneously undermine the morality of those peers.
At the root of the choice to kill comedy is a fear that everyone besides us is moral seaweed, ebbing and flowing in any direction the waves of comedy sway them."

Weird & Güd Series, 2019. Spiritual Soap Newsletter.
"The I-Thou relationship replaces that detachedness with unity. Where we once reacted or objectified, we now open dialogue. The cow is no longer some-thing to be utilized but an-other to be recognized; the rude stranger becomes not an outside experience we react to but another us we willfully choose to see for the whole of their being; similarly, our partner is not a mixture of many qualities but a unified being we share a portion of reality with. These rare moments of deep, mutual connection are so otherworldly in their power that Buber says we only need them sparingly to quell our chronic existential dread (making I-Thou a close competitor of Prozac)."

Weird & Güd Series: Spiritual Soap Newsletter, 2019.
"The I-Thou relationship replaces that detachedness with unity.
Where we once reacted or objectified, we now open dialogue. The cow is no longer some-thing to be utilized but an-other to be recognized; the rude stranger becomes not an outside experience we react to but another us we willfully choose to see for the whole of their being; similarly, our partner is not a mixture of many qualities but a unified being we share a portion of reality with.
These rare moments of deep, mutual connection are so otherworldly in their power that Buber says we only need them sparingly to quell our chronic existential dread (making I-Thou a close competitor of Prozac)."